Casino news

Shift in casino gambling trends

Do you know the most recent casino gambling trends? Let’s have a look at where this year is taking us, in terms of casino games and what players like to play.

1. Slots Slots Slots

Here we will never go wrong – casino players still love their slot machines, and this is, and always has been, the favorite game for online players. There is something about these reels that fascinate players, and while i’m not a huge slots fan, I do understand the fascination…

2. Mobile? No thanks

Since 2010 people tell me that this is the year of mobile gaming. It is not. People don’t gamble on their phone, and if they do, they gamble for peanuts or they gamble on bookmakers. I personally use my mobile with the awesome EuroBet App to gamble on sport, but I would never play blackjack on my mobile. I just don’t feel confortable, and with me many other online players. People play casino games on their computer. Period. Will it change this year? I strongly doubt that, to the point that i’m ready to bet on it 😉

3. Safety first

Online casinos are getting their license to operate in different countries, and while this may be an headache for the operators, it is good for players. I’m Italian and i’m happy to be able to gamble in a state licensed casino, knowing that it is controlled and safe. I certainly don’t want to gamble in an obscure chinese online casino for example, as I know that if I win big, I won’t be paid. And I want to have at least the chance of winning big.

4. Search for new games

Operators have been trying for years and years to come up with a new game for their casino rooms, hoping to find the next new thing. They failed miserably. They first came up with Poker, but that created only a monopoly monster called Pokerstars (and I think that is not a bad thing). Then they come up with binary options, that was such a scam that they slowly started to remove it cause it was a problem for their brand. Now they are back to square 1, and I would not be surprised if this year they will come up with the next new thing… 3D casino rooms? Chat live? These are just 2 of the ideas that I hear talking about…I do think it is pointless to change gambling online – if it already works so well, a radical change is not needed. I think casino rooms should focus more on making the current experience as fun and enjoyable as possible for the players. We as players know that we are most probably going to lose money at the online casino, but that doesn’t mean we should not have fun while doing so, and maybe sometimes win 😉